Re: Report on the survey : how much to see a film?
Mon, 9 Jan 1995 13:49:45 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Last November, I asked on Screen-L, rec.arts movies and Le groupe Balzac=20
(in Montreal) the question: How much does it cost to see a movie in a=20
commercial theatre? I suggested, to have a point of comparizon, to tell how=
non-specialized worker earns for on hour of work. In Montreal, it about 8=
can$ (about 5 US$), and we pay 8 $ for a movie ticket.
I got more than 30 answers. Here are the principal. As you can see,=20
almost everywhere, we pay between 1/2 and two hours of work. And it is much=
expensive thant a ticket for a show of the Rollinf Stones or The Miz.
Tanks to all those who asnwered. Il someone can add data to this list a=20
would be happy.
Yves Lever, [log in to unmask]
Angleterre - United Kingdom
From: Simon Birkenhead <[log in to unmask]>
Here in the UK it costs approx the following to see a movie:
Non-London - 4 pounds
London - 8 pounds
The average wage on a manual worker would be about 4 pounds an hour.
____________________________ _
From: [log in to unmask] (JEREMY W PERKINS)
West End of London $10-15
Suburban multiplex $6
City centre $6
Commodore Aberystwyth $4
[The above are prices for evening performances. Discounts of 30% often
available weekday afternoons]
Not sure about average wages, but gin or blended Scotch is $15 a bottle and
milk is 40-45 cents a pint. Don't know how much a Macdonalds hamburger cost=
I'm afraid, but a large Coke at the cinema would be about $2.
I'm sure my Brit colleagues will help me out if I've got any of this wrong.
Etats-Unis - United States
From: Chris Iwane <[log in to unmask]>
In St. Louis, Missouri, USA:
Daytime matinees $3.50-4.00
First evening show $2.75-3.25
Night shows $5.50-6.75
From: "Victoria L. Godwin" <[log in to unmask]>
In Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA, it costs $3.50 to see a movie during the=20
matinee, or during the midnight showings on the weekends. I'll look up=20
full price for you when I go see the midnight show of Interview with the=20
Vampire tomorrow night. To give you some idea of how much a US dollar is=20
worth in this part of Arkansas...$5.25 an hour seems to be a common=20
starting wage in most of the want ads. I used to make $5.75 an hour at my=
last job (entry level at a TV station). My husband currently makes about=20
$6.00 to $6.50 at his night auditor job at a local hotel, but he has tons=
of experience, and has been working there almost a year, so he's gotten a=
few raises. The most money either of us ever made was when I earned $7.00=
an hour as a model for the University's art department.
Does that give you some idea of earning power, at least?
From: "Victoria L. Godwin" <[log in to unmask]>
Hi again! I looked up the full price of a ticket a little early. It's=20
$5.75 if you don't go to a bargain show.
Also, a Big Mac costs $1.79. One problem with using Big Macs for=20
comparison is that their price could vary just as much as the ticket=20
price, depending on the price of beef in a country, etc.
From: Constance Atwill <[log in to unmask]>
May not be on interest to you...only 1 and 1/2 hours' drive from L.A.,=20
but the prices of films here are as follows:
5- Matinee
3.45 Twilight show (usually about 5:00)
7.00 Evenings
Only three out of forty screens in town offer student discounts, even=20
though there is a production school here (Brooks) and a very good=20
critical studies program (UCSB). All forty screens are owned by the same=
company - about a monopoly.
From: [log in to unmask]
A Big Mac in Oakland, CA costs @$1.89 (varies by a couple of pennies from
store to store) and the cost of a movie tix is $7.00.
George Geder
From: Denis Cracco <[log in to unmask]>
Voici donc les tarifs de cinema en France: ils varient de 25 a 45 FF=20
(entre 5 et 9 US$) ce qui represente de 1 a 2 h de travail pour le Salaire=
Minimum Garanti. Le cout d'une seance a Chicago est entre 5 et 7 US$.
From: [log in to unmask]
Here in rural southern Minnesota, the usual price for a non-matinee, first
run film is $5.25 U.S. dollars. That's about the cost of a Big Mac,=20
Medium Coke, large fries and frozen yogurt cone (depending on combination
deals and all). One of our two theater chains in town specializes in
second-run films for $1.00 on weeknights and $1.50 on Fridays and Saturdays=
Overall, this is very cheap compared to the Twin Cities and even bigger
places like Chicago and New York.
--Don Larsson, Mankato State U., MN
From: [log in to unmask] (Jack of Trades)
In Philadelphia, PA-USA, the regular price is $6., $4. for early shows.
I earn earn $10. per hour as a data entry clerk.
From: Claudia Gorbman <[log in to unmask]>
Here's a Seattle, Washington, USA response to your query on Screen-L. =20
The standard cost for a movie ticket in this city is $7.00, about 1 1/2=20
times the national minimum hourly wage. (So, for a 90-minute film, the=20
minimum-wage moviegoer pays out exactly what he/she earned in wages for=20
the same amount of time.)
Your project sounds interesting. Bon courage et a bientot.
From: West Joan <[log in to unmask]>
A Moscow, IDAHO U.S.A.: le prix varie de $1.75 a $4.75. Quant au sujet=20
de combien il faut travailler pour avoir ces montants----je n'en sais rien.
Joan M. West
From: Muriel Chaguidanian <[log in to unmask]>
voici un courrier dans lequel il est fait mention du prix paye pour un film
venant de sortir aux Etats-Unis: $7. La liste Nouvelle-Orleans a laquelle
je suis abonnee n'est en rien specialisee en cinema...=20
From: [log in to unmask] (Dave Gates)
Los Angeles: $7.00 to $7.50. $7.50 is more likely.
Bargain shows from $3.50 to $4.50. $4.50 is more likely.
Dave Gates
From: [log in to unmask] (Cynthia Price)
In the San Francisco area (SF/Oakland/Berkeley), it runs about $6.50 or
$7 these days. Matinees are $3.50-3.75.
From: Matt Ackeret <[log in to unmask]>
San Jose & Mountain View, CA, at the first-run theatres I go to.. $7
From: [log in to unmask] (Shawn C. Shimpach)
NYC: $8.00, baby.
Tailande - Thailand
From: Joe Feinstein <[log in to unmask]>
In Bangkok, Thailand, a state-=3Dof-the-art cinema <THX or digital> is=20
priced at 70 baht. Which is equivalent to US$2.80.=20
That's about the same price as a BigMac, fries, and a coke.=20
In terms of local wages, it
is about 1/2 of the daily minimum wage.
However, wages in Bangkok are all over the board, so it's hard to identify
an average wage.
Also, there are cheaper cinemas <about half that price>, but they are=20
less than=20
state-ofthe-art and are not terribly comfortable by N. American standards.
From: Claus Schotten A <[log in to unmask]>
Aachen, Alsdorf and Duesseldorf
Well it depends on the theatre, the day, the time, the movie etc...
1 DM =3D 0.66 US$
Full price: 10-13 DM (=3D 6.6 - 8.6 US$) =20
Surcharges: "Ueberlaenge" (=3D running time > 2 1/4 h (approx))
+1 - +6 DM (depending on the actual running time, the=20
theatre and the movie).
: "Loge" or "Balkon" (=3D prefered seats compared to "Parkett",=
"Rang" or "Saal" which is also available) =3D> +2 DM=20
in few (usually big) theatres only
The theatres have different reduction scemes.
"art house": student discount -1 DM
"mainstream": either by time: < 4 pm -2 (or 3) DM
4 pm - 6 pm -1 DM
>=3D 6 pm : full price
or by day: one day "Kinotag" per week (Mon, Tue or Wed) -3 (or 2) DM
Of course there are special theatres run by museums, the comunity or=20
filmclubs and special screenings for children with different (usaully lower=
pricing schemes.
I don't know "the average non spelialised worker salary",=20
(the average worker in Germany is specialized) thus I cannot give
you that indicator.
Ciao, Claus [log in to unmask]
From: [log in to unmask] (Craig Ashcroft Willmott)
Organization: University of Auckland
Well, inspired by the other post here, I'm only in for this if McDonalds
Hamburgers as the exchange index. So here a full price adult movie ticket
costs $9 NZD, which is 9 hamburgers.
From: Lynn Garry Salmon <[log in to unmask]>
In Canberra, Australia (where I am currently living)
regular first run movies cost AUS$11 ~ US$8.25.
About the same as in Los Angeles ($7 - $8).
Of course, both places have matinees and special prices
for students, seniors, etc.
From: Adrian Miles <[log in to unmask]>
Here in Melbourne, Australia there is a lot of variety to film pricing, and
it has been quite fluid recently.
For the major commercial first run houses the full adult price (all prices
in Australian $) is $10.50. However Tuesdays for a while were half price,
usually around $6.00. Last time I was in one of the big cineplexes I
noticed that all films before 6pm where $6.00 for all comers, then after 6
it was the usual prices. Uni students with ID usually get in for $8.50
(except Sat. nights) and pensioners for around $6.00.
In the art houses the prices are usually better, though often $10.00. There
are still a couple of art houses that run an occasional double feature=20
for$10.00, and at these places student/pensioner/unemployed prices are=20
around $7.50 (sometimes $8.00).
There are also film societies, which are heaps cheaper, but these are
pretty much limited to film buffs, students, academics, culture buffs, etc.
Norvege - Norway
From: Bjorn Sorenssen <[log in to unmask]>
In response to your query, I can report that cinema admission in Norway is
between US $ 6 and US $ 8, depending on the movie.
Espagne - Spain
From: Ruben Garcia-Loureda <[log in to unmask]>
In Spain a janitor earns aproximately 4.25 american dollars per hour.
In cities between 100,000 and 400,000 inhabitants, the cost of=20
a movie ticket is the same (=ADaprox.!)=3D $4.25, maybe a litte more=3D $4.=
This price is bigger in major cities like Barcelona or Madrid. I would
say around $6, more or less.
By the way, a big Mac costs $4.65.
Japon -Japan
From: Abe Mark Nornes <[log in to unmask]>
Japanese film prices range from 1,200 yen (US$12) for most films to 2,000
yen (US$20!!!) for a few like Jurassic Park. Nasty, nasty, nasty.
From: Denis Cracco <[log in to unmask]>
Voici donc les tarifs de cinema en France: ils varient de 25 a 45 FF=20
(entre 5 et 9 US$) ce qui represente de 1 a 2 h de travail pour le Salaire=
Garanti. Le cout d'une seance a Chicago est entre 5 et 7 US$.
From: Cecile Meadel <[log in to unmask]>
La place de cin=E9ma, =E0 Paris et -je crois- dans les grandes villes de
France, est de l'ordre de 40-42 francs (mais cela peut aller jusqu'=E0
45 francs). Soit un peu plus que le salaire minimum horaire de base (30=20
francs environ).
{Pour votre comparaison, ce tarif est celui d'un ouvrier non qualifi=E9=20
sans anciennet=E9 =E0 Paris. En Province, les salaires sont bien inf=E9rieu=
rs et=20
beaucoup de salari=E9s sont pay=E9s =E0 ce tarif, quelle que soit leur
A Paris, depuis quelques ann=E9es, apparaissent des diff=E9renciations
tarifaires dans un m=EAme cin=E9ma en fonction des films. Les films en prem=
exclusivit=E9, longs, grand public peuvent =EAtre un peu plus cher.
Il existe des tarifs r=E9duits (de l'ordre de 30 francs) un jour par=20
semaine pour tous (le mercredi, je crois), et =E0 certains horaires pour le=
s =E9tudiants,=20
les personnes =E2g=E9es.
Les tarifs des salles dites d'art et d'essai (films anciens, films
d'auteur, documentaires) sont un peu inf=E9rieurs (de l'ordre de 35 francs)=
Bresil - Brazil
From: Maria da Penha <[log in to unmask]>
I live in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The minimum wage here is R$ 70.00
The theatres ticket cost
monday-thursday fridays-sundays and=20
Theatres R$ 2.50 R$ 4.00
Theatres in Shopping
Centers R$ 3.50 R$ 5.00
Big mac R$ 2.42
US$ 1.00 =3D R$ 0.84 (11.10.94 prices may vary from one day to the other)
The theatres are receiving better public from monday to thursday.
In the Carnival all theatres cost 1.00 and this makes them really full.
Maria da Penha DS9@BRCPRM
From: Jeannette Sloniowski <[log in to unmask]>
It costs $4.25 Canadian to see a film in Welland, Ontario. The usual=20
price in Toronto an evening performance is $8.00, matinees $5.00. My son,=
who lives in Kingston, Ontario also pays $8.00 for an evening show.
Suisse - Switzerland
From: Samir Kasme <[log in to unmask]>
OK, voici pour la Suisse: selon les villes, entre 8 et 10 US$,
et pour l'Australie: entre 7 et 9 US$.
Salaire moyen d'un(e) employe(e) non-specialise, comme les metiers que tu
en Suisse, env. 1500 US$, en Australie, pas sur, mais probablement dans=20
les 1200 US$ (mais on paye plus d'impots!)
Afrique du Sud - South Africa
From: [log in to unmask]
Here in South Africa, where we don't have McDonald's, seeing a
movie costs about 10 rands. A burger costs about R5 (a good chicken
one about R7,50). We have budget cinema tickets at specified
cinemas for R6,50. Last time I looked the US$ to the rand was 3.6 to
1. I think that makes it cheap for tourists to see movies, but for
us it takes some planning, at least.
GabebaGabeba Baderoon
From: Lubos Klucar <[log in to unmask]>
here in Slovakia (part of former Czechoslovakia), particularly in the=20
capital Bratislava, one ticket in the main cinemas cost approximately=20
It seems to bee the same like in Montreal, but in practice the "price" is=
30 Sk (app. 1 US$), both for the cinema ticketand one-hour-salary.
Danemark - Denmark
From: Scren Pold <[log in to unmask]>
I haven't read your whole message (lack of time) but the price in=20
Denmark (Aarhus) for a cinema ticket is 50,- dkr. which is I guess=20
almost 8 US$. Some nights (wednsday) you can get in at less (30 dkr.=20
app. 4,50 US$) -=20
Perou - Peru
From: Fernando de Trazegnies <[log in to unmask]>
Au Perou, le cout du cinema c'est USD $ 3 (trois dollars americans)=
C'est difficile de donner des references un temps de travail pour tous=20
genre de metiers. Mais que note certains salaires mensuels (a peu pres):=20
Ouvrier non specialise USD $ 200
Secretaire USD $ 350
Employe de banque USD $ 800
Juge de 1ere. Instance USD $ 1,000
Directeur d'une entre-
prise moyenne USD $ 2,000
Fernando de Trazegnies Ph. (51-14) 47.87.30
INTERNET: [log in to unmask] Fax (51-14) 47.47.70
Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru
Facultad de Derecho
P.O. Box 18-0999
Monde - World
From: Neil Pollock <[log in to unmask]>
Screen Digest September 1994 p.205 has neatly summarised the 1993 average
cinema prices in local and US$ for 45 countries.
Neil Pollock
Library Manager
oAustralian Film Television & Radio School