CFP: Authenticating Celebrity: Celebrity Studies Journal Conference 2016
Wed, 17 Jun 2015 12:14:24 +0000
Apologies for cross posting
3rd International Celebrity Studies Conference: Authenticating Celebrity
June 28-30, 2016
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam
Routledge, Celebrity Studies Journal, and the University of Amsterdam are pleased to announce the third Celebrity Studies conference. The conference will take place in Amsterdam, June 28th-30th, and will be organized by Gaston Franssen, James Bennett, Hannah Hamad, Su Holmes, and Sean Redmond.
The 3rd International Celebrity Studies Conference will be themed on the question of 'Authenticating Celebrity'. This subject will run through our plenaries and form a strand running throughout the conference.
Drawing on the strength of the CSJ editorial team, the conference welcomes submissions from a broad range of disciplines that generate new ways of thinking and understanding celebrity: from film, television, literary, digital media and theatre studies through to psychology, sociology, politics, and business studies.
We invite abstracts for individual 20-minute papers or pre-constituted panels of 3 x 20-minute papers on any topic related to the conference theme.
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:
* David Giles, University of Winchester
* Joke Hermes, University of Amsterdam/Inholland University of Applied Sciences
* Jo Littler, City University London
* Alice E. Marwick, Fordham University
* Ginette Vincendeau, King's College London
A Special Issue of the best papers from the conference will be published in Celebrity Studies in 2017. Stipends to help with conference costs will be awarded for the best PhD abstracts submitted.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
* Celebrity and the experience of authenticity
* Sincerity and stardom
* Committed celebrity
* The phenomenology of fame
* Authenticating celebrity and gender, race, class, ethnicity
* Reality-tv celebrity
* Audience and affect
* Representations of talent and genius
* Fame in virtual reality
* Socializing celebrity
* Online authenticity
* Disingenuous and/or exposed celebrity
* True fans/anti-fans
* Trusting celebrity
* Gossip culture
* Celebrity hoaxes
* Celebrity facts, celebrity fictions
* Sport stars, performance and authenticity
* (In)sincerity and political celebrity
* Memory and celebrity authenticity.
* The will to truth: stories of the celebrity self
* Auto-ethnography and reflections of the real
* Fandom and the search for celebrity authenticity
* Celebrity pilgrimages
* Illness and celebrity
* Marketing authenticity
* Celebrity do-gooders and ambassadors
* Documenting the celebrity
* Rock idols and rebellion
Deadline for abstracts: November 6th, 2015 (250 words, plus a 50 word biography)
Successful abstracts will be notified by: December 11th, 2015
Enquiries/abstracts to: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Best wishes,
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