Re: Moderating SCREEN-L: Your Thoughts?
Thu, 1 Dec 1994 11:00:52 -0600
>From: Tony Williams
> Jeremy. please keep moderating. that's what most good networks do. If it
>is too much for you personally, perhaps you can call for a volunteer from
>the membership. 14% does not look a lot. Please keep up the good work and
>standards... Remember the gardener's wise words which Richard II did not
>in Shakespeare's play- re cutting off the heads of certain subjects les they
>loom too lofty in our kingdom. Tony Williams
To add to Tony Williams edited comments: I agree. A moderated list seems
necessary in light of the often frivolous and/or opportunistic manner in
which this list is exploited. You have defined reasonable criteria for
<sorting> the various postings which pass through your domain; unless there
are problems with those criteria, it seems beneficial to continue as a
moderated forum. Jeremy, you are to be praised for even considering the
responsibility let alone accepting it.
Allan @SAIC