Barcelona CFP 2016 Bridging Gaps: What are the media, publicists & celebrities selling?
Mon, 9 Nov 2015 08:32:42 -0500
*Bridging Gaps**: What are the media, publicists, and celebrities selling?*
Red Room, Four Points by Sheraton Barcelona Diagonal
Barcelona, Spain
July 3rd - 5th, 2016
Public personalities hold the power to draw attention to products,
services, and charities through their endorsement. Celebrity activists, for
example, can help to change the world. From Elizabeth Taylor to George
Clooney, celebrities have proven that their status can help raise awareness
and funds for issues such as aids, poverty and global warming. However,
many activists have also gained fame by standing up for their beliefs such
as Harvey Milk, Dian Fossey, Malala Yousafzai, and Rosa Parks, thereby
bridging gaps between celebrity activists and activists as celebrities.
Thanks to social media, people today have a platform to share their views
and gain a following, meaning activism is now in the power of the people.
They can bring communities together from around the world to make a
We invite you to send in abstracts about media control, activism, and
celebrity status to interrogate, draw attention to the good that is being
done, and suggest ways we can improve the world. What actions need to be
taken and how can celebrity status help achieve this? How much power does a
celebrity really have? Can someone create celebrity status through their
activism? What role does public relations and the media play in promoting
messages from beauty ideals to saving the planet?
The Centre for Media and Celebrity Studies (CMCS) *Bridging Gaps*
conference series aims to connect scholars with industry professionals and
generate a discussion and practice that will inspire change. CMCS in
association with sponsors Centre for Ecological, Social, and Informatics
Cognitive Research (ESI.CORE) and WaterHill Publishing, invite academics,
filmmakers, journalists, publicists, advertisers, charity organizers,
and guests
to attend, speak and collaborate at the international conference. Attendees
may present papers, take part in a workshop or create a roundtable
discussion on the theme of celebrity activism, media ethics and
Extended versions of selected papers will be published in an edited book by
WaterHill Publishing, while others will be invited for the opportunity to
publish work in the *CrossBridge* Journal.
We also invite people to send in videos for the *Celebrity Chat* Award. The
best video/documentary will be selected based on its ability to draw
attention to a significant matter, be relevant to the conference theme and
inspire change.
*Registration includes*: Your printed conference package*,* catered lunch,
coffee / tea breaks, evening drinks, professional development workshop,
access to evening receptions, eligibility to publish in edited book, and
consideration for the $100 best paper and screen awards.
*Submission guidelines:*
- 250-word abstract or workshop / roundtable proposal
- Include a title, your name, e-mail address, and affiliation if
- Submit to conference Chairs Dr Jackie Raphael and Dr Celia Lam at
email address: *[log in to unmask]* <[log in to unmask]>
- Deadline for abstract submission: *December 20, 2016*
- Notification of acceptance: *January 20, 2016*
- Full text due: *June 4, 2016*
- Pre-Conference Reception*: July 3, 2015*
- Conference presentation: *July 4-5, 2016*
- Publication of edited book: *Approximately November 30, 2016*
*Celebrity Chat** Video Submissions:*
- Video length should be 10-20 minutes
- Include a title, your name, e-mail address, and affiliation if
- Submit to conference Chairs Dr Jackie Raphael and Dr Celia Lam at
email address: *[log in to unmask]* <[log in to unmask]>
- Deadline for submission: *December 20, 2016*
- Notification of acceptance: *January 20, 2016*
- Conference screening: *July 4-5, 2016*
*Topics include but are not limited to:*
- Mass media and social media
- Public relations and publicity
- Social Advocacy
- Human rights and animal rights
- Environmental sustainability
- Celebrity activists
- Activists as celebrities
- Endorsements
- Advertising
- Branding
- Persona
- Journalism and newsworthy topics
- Fame and Fortune
- Beauty Ideals
- Interviews
- Audiences
- Fandom
- Literature
- Film and Video
- Television
- Photography
- Laws and Policies
- Theory and Methods
- Research Agenda
- Business Models
- Ethics and Morality
- Cognition and Memory
- Media Literacy
- Social Innovation and Change
- Education and Advocacy
- Community Building
- Business and Community Partnerships
*Conference Chairs*: Dr Jackie Raphael and Dr Celia Lam
*Conference Committee Members*: Dr Samita Nandy, Dr Louis Massey, Josh
Nathan, and Andrea Marshall
*Conference URL*
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