Mon, 24 Apr 1995 10:12:45 CDT
Forwarded by Jeremy Butler.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
IF this has not been on the list, please stick it on. It is a really neat
place. I have visited there when they hosted the ISEA conference in Aug.
94. Philip Dean can be contacted directly. Helsinki is a GREAT place!
=46rom: [log in to unmask] (Philip Dean)
Subject: Associate Professor in Finland (2nd try)
>Dear Colleagues,
>Please could you aid us in finding a new Associate Professor for our Media
>Lab here in the University of Art & Design Helsinki, Finland by circulating
>the following message. Please also feel free to distribute it via any lists
>which you consider relevant to the post.
>Many thanks
>Philip Dean
>Message follows:
>The UNIVERSITY OF ART & DESIGN HELSINKI UIAH is a major European design
>university with 1400 students in 23 BA and MA programmes in the fields of
>Visual Communications, Product and Environmental Design, Art Education,
>Fine Arts and New Media. Doctoral programmes are also offered. The
>university has a strong emphasis on international collaboration and
>research and good relations with industry.
>If you have a strong professional background and established reputation in
>interactive digital media and computer imaging the following post provides
>a challenging opportunity for you:
>A three (3) year position situated in the Media Lab UIAH. Basic salary FIM
>14 243/month rising to FIM 18 190/month according to cumulative competence.
>The post requires skills in teaching, planning and management as well as
>the proven ability to manage large projects within the area of operations
>of the Media Lab. Additionally the applicant will be expected to show
>significant personal artistic capacity within the area and experience of
>the latest technologies and their applications. We value the applicant's
>international relations and language skills. Additionally we expect
>applicants to have a genuine interest in art and the various fields of
>visual communications and the ability to work in cooperation with experts
>in fields relating to interactive and multimedia communications.
>The Associate Professor is responsible for the planning, organization and
>development of teaching and research operations in his area of operation.
>Additionally the post involves the upkeep of relations with various
>interest groups, especially with Finnish and international cooperative
>partners, researchers, research institutes as well as business partners.
>The qualification requirements for the post are artistic proficiency in the
>area of interactive and multimedia communications, teaching skills and the
>necessary theoretical and practical familiarity with the field of the post
>and the required language skills.
>Detailed information about the post, the tasks associated with it and the
>procedures for application can be obtained free of charge from the
>University's Registry Office. Tel INT + 358 0 7563 206, Fax INT + 358 0
>7563 223 or by e-mail to [log in to unmask] Please clearly label the subject of
>e-mail messages as 'As.Prof.Application'.
>Additional information can be obtained from Rector, Mr. Yrjv Sotamaa, Tel
>INT + 358 0 7563 200 or Director of Administration, Mr. Ilkka Huovio, Tel
>INT + 358 0 7563 202.
>Completed applications sent to the University of Art & Design should be
>delivered to the University's Registry Office by no later than 16.15 on
>Tuesday 9th May 1995 and should be addressed as follows:
>University of Art & Design Helsinki
>Registry Office
>Hameentie 135 C
>FIN-00560 Helsinki
Philip Dean
Media Lab
University of Art & Design Helsinki UIAH
H{meentie 135C
=46IN-00560 Helsinki
Tel. INT + 358 0 7563594
=46ax. INT + 358 0 7563555 or 7563223
AppleLink SF0149
* Bert Deivert Film Studies University of Karlstad *
* E-Mail: [log in to unmask] Box 9501 S-651 88 Karlstad *
* Voice: 46-54-83 81 06 SWEDEN *