Re: young again films
Sat, 13 Sep 2003 16:19:23 -0400
On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Heather Addison wrote:
> I'm also interested in any films that present decades of a character's
> life but suggest that young adulthood is the richest/best period of the
> human life cyle.
Crike, how depressing! ;) I'm just now beginning to do my best work, to
my mind.
Actually, I think this is a theme (if not the decades part) in a great
many films, some more self-consciously addressed than others. Just saw
_The Swimming Pool_, which makes to my mind a cryptic observation about
stagnant age vs. wild, rich youth, in that the aging writer gets her
inspiration from the young French daughter of her publisher... or at least
her "version" of the young French daughter. The ending was very
What about _American Beauty_ for this category?
> If anyone can suggest some titles in
these areas (particularly the > first), I'd really appreciate it.
People who "shed their age" when they die. Hmmm. Maybe _What Dreams May
Come_. Actually, this presents the reverse. In this film the young
deceased sons and daughters are represented in heaven by their adult
selves, one of them, the girl, by an Asian woman in her thirties.
Sarah L. Higley [log in to unmask]
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Associate Professor of English office: (585) 275-9261
The University of Rochester fax: (585) 442-5769
Rochester NY, 14627
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