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January 1995, Week 1


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Jeremy Butler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 6 Jan 1995 10:55:27 CST
text/plain (22 lines)
>I've noticed a lot of where-to-find questions on this mailing list -- when I
>was in the Ann Arbor Film Cooperative we had a big blue hardcover book that
>lists all the movies available for rental in 16mm or 35mm and gives the name of
>the distributor (Swank, MGM, etc.) and the formats available.  The author's
>name is Limbacher (or something close to that -- it's been a few years!).  The
>guide is updated annually and is quite comprehensive.  I think it also has
>(limited) directors and actors indexes.  I hope this helps --
>Molly Olsen
>[log in to unmask]
James Limbacher is indeed the author you're thinking of, Molly.
Can anyone tell me if, with the decline in 16mm rentals, Limbacher is still
updating his guide?  The last edition of it I've got is 15 years old!
  Jeremy Butler                                  [log in to unmask]
  SCREEN-L Coordinator                         [log in to unmask]
  Telecommunication & Film Dept. * University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa