call for papers: Queer Acts
Mon, 30 Jan 1995 16:11:37 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
p l e a s e p o s t
Edited by Jose Munoz and Amanda Barrett
Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory
Issue 15
We seek contributions for "Queer Acts," a forthcoming issue of Women &
Performance: a journal of feminist theory, which will expand and complicate the
relation between queer theory and performance. Following recent queer work,
this issue will explore the notion of the act as a critical paradigm. Given the
discursive momentum behind the word "queer" toward a white/male/middle
class alignment, there is a particularly urgent need to discuss the stakes in
terminolgy debate across identifications including woman, feminist, lesbian, and
lesbian of color.
Possible areas of inquiry include: performance and performativity; theater,
theatricality, and popular culture (including film and television); "liveness"
queer performance; queer ethnography, ethnomusicology, and architecture;
performance and cultural production during the HIV/AIDS pandemic; theories of
relationality and anti-relationality; activism as political performance; queer
pedagogy; lesbian and gay performance historiography; transgendered
identity and performance.
We welcome work on popular culture, politics, theater, music, dance, visual
film, video, and other representational practices, and especially encourage
work from/on diasporic performance, non-U.S. cultures and intersections
between racial and sexual minorities. We encourage experimental critical
writing that challenges traditional genres and scholarly conventions.
Articles should be 15-25 pages, double spaced; reviews should be 3-5 pages.
Please call for submission guidelines.
Submission deadline: February 28, 1995.
Send inquiries and manuscripts to: June Reich, Managing Editor, Issue 15:
"Queer Acts," Women & Performance, Department of Performance Studies, 6th
Floor, N.Y.U., 721 Broadway, New York NY 10003. E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Phone: (212) 998-1631. Fax: (212) 995-4060.