Re: Berlin Wall in Film
Fri, 15 Jan 1999 15:17:05 -0800
There's a scene about the Wall in *Casino Royale*. And I think there was a
50s Hollywood film about the airlift.
At 05:26 PM 1/14/99 -0500, you wrote:
>There is a class concentrating on the Berlin Wall and the Cold War. Can
>you help with feature films and documentaries which have images of the air
>lift, check point Charlie, Brandenburg Gate, Post WWII Berlin, and pulling
>down the wall.
>We've ID the following: Funeral in Berlin, Living Daylights, Octopussy,
>Smiley's People, Third Man, A Foreign Affair, Something to Do with the
>Wall, Russia House, Spy who came in from the cold, and Escape from East
>Thanks for any help with this!
>Nell J. Chenault [log in to unmask]
>Cabell Media Resource Services
>University Library Services
>Virginia Commonwealth University
>Richmond, VA 23284-2033 (804) 828-1088 FAX: 828-7473
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