Re: My So-Called Life
Wed, 7 Dec 1994 18:26:14 -0500
My So-Called Life is reprehensible. It's possible I grewup in some
alien culture but I can't identify in the least bit, I meant not ONE TINY
LITTLE BIT, with any of the teens on the show. I never felt like these
people did, I don't understand where they're coming from, what they're
thinking and what they do.
It's also very annoying that we see this assortment of 'diverse' friends -
the gay character, the person with a drug problem, etc. etc. Maybe
it's an ideal that every tiny slice of the American population would be
a diverse sample representative of the overall population but it just
ain't so.
It's an annoying, self-absorbed, whiny show that manages to be even worse
than its vile parents: thirtysomething and The Wonder Years.
However, I'll agree about _Friends_. A real surprise sitcom - good writing,
solid performances (well, from most) and a character I can REALLY
identify with. Not stunning but pretty solid, surely the best of the new