Education Funding!
Mon, 22 May 1995 08:07:24 CDT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I know that this is not an explicitly political list and all, but since we
do deal with educational issues and most of us are allied with education in
some way, please read on.
The Senate is bringing a very important vote to the floor Monday night or
Tuesday morning. It's for the Harkins/Hollings Amendment to the Budget.
This Amendment would restore $12 billion for student loan funding and $28
billion for other educational funding, including Pell Grants and K-12
funding. Even with this restored funding, it would be a 15% drop in
educational funding from the previous budget, so that'll give you an idea
what the current budget would do to possibilities of ever getting a job in
education, being able to finish your own education, or being able to teach
students whose parents are not immensely wealthy.
So call Senators to vote for the Harkins/Hollings Amendment in whatever
states you can call home. Pass the word onto everyone you know, especially
in states with Republican Senators. Thanks and keep your fingers crossed
for our future.
jajasoon tlitteu -- [log in to unmask]
"Oh my God! The dead have risen and they're voting Republican!"
- Bart Simpson