query: non signifying 'signs'
Thu, 3 Jun 2004 09:50:20 +1000
Gerard Genette's _Paratexts_ is only about the effects of 'incidentals'
like typeface, chapter headings, cover blurbs etc, on the way a text may be
understood. He only discusses books, but there may be an extractable
principle in there somewhere.
Don mentioned Eco - there's an OK collection called _interpretation and
overinterpretation_ with essays by Eco & others, which sort of discusses the
issue of the limits of interpretation - one or two useful insights I think
in the essay by Jonathan Culler.
Another place to look, especially for theoretically informed work to do with
the status of textual elements known to be outside of or contra to the
author's intention (typos, changes implemented by publishers, posthumous
revisions by family members etc) is the journal 'Text: An Interdisciplinary
Annual of Textual Studies' - again, this is pretty much geared to writing
not film, but it doesn't matter too much esp if the issue is interpretation,
not editorial practice.
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