Student Video Expo
Tue, 31 Oct 1995 20:02:24 CDT
BIEFF/STUDENT VIDEO EXPO is a nationwide competition for
indepentently produced student videos at the college level. A
separate competition for K-12, with different guidelines and
regulations and restricted to the State of Alabama, is also sponsored
Method of selection:
All entries will screened by volunteers of educators and media
professionals.Finalists will be submitted to a panel of independent
judges for selection of video for awards. Judges will be evaluating
style, continuity, theme development and technical quality.
----Required elements: All entries *must* include a one-page
synopsis and videotap of production.
----Production dates: Videos entered in the competition must have
been produced after January 1, 1995 and received by March 1, 1996.
----Format: videos must be submitted on new VHS tape, and recorded in
the SP mode. They can be produced on film, but must be dubbed to VHS.
Tapes will *not* be returned.
----Length, Language and rights: Production must be no longer than
30 minutes. All entries must be in English, or have English
subtitles. Entries must include a right release for promotion use by
BIEFF/Student Video Expo or possiple broadcast by Alabama Public TV.
----Deadline and fees: Entry forms, synopses and tapes must be
received no later than March 1, 1996. All entries must include a $25
non-refundable fee. Make checks payable to:
1000 Buccaneer Drive
Hoover, Alabama 35244
For more information:
BIEFF/Student Video Expo
P.O. Box 55882
Birminham, AL 35255
Tel: 205-250-2711
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