Film/Women's Studies Position
Thu, 14 Dec 1995 23:44:23 CST
Forwarded by Jeremy Butler. Contact Lisa Cartwright for further
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Subject: job ad
Author: Lisa Cartwright <[log in to unmask]> at SMTP-LINK
Date: 12/13/95 9:19 PM
This is a named chair and a tenured position in Women's Studies for a
distinguished feminist scholar whose research and teaching are inter-
disciplinary. The Susan B. Anthony Professor will have a half
appointment in the Susan B. Anthony Institute for Women's Studies and a
half appointment in an academic department. Specialization in Film
Studies would be particularly welcome, though highly qualified candidates
in other areas are encouraged to apply. We would also be interested in
candidates whose research deals with race, ethnicity, and gender.
Send letter of application, references, and vita by March l, 1996 to:
Janet Wolff, Director, Susan B. Anthony Institute, 538 Lattimore Hall,
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627: Phone (716)275.8318
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