Movie Databases
Fri, 31 Jul 1992 17:03:49 CST
> I've already pillaged the ftp site for
>its movie lists and was wondering if there were any others out there worth
>examining. I'm quite eager to find one containing perhaps some sort of
> special
effects listings (companies that did specific movies, etc.) or perhaps just an
>article archive. Does anyone know of any of these? Please include an ftp
>location designation.
Your note gives me the opportunity to remind folks of the offerings on
SCREEN-L FILELIST. A FILELIST is an archive of text files that
BITNET/Internet users may retrieve through normal e-mail
channels--without having to use FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
What reminded me of it is that SCREEN-L FILELIST has two databases of
recent film releases on it--one for 1990 and one for
1991--listing producer, director, scriptwriter, cast, release date.
Each is a "comma-delimited" text file that is ready to be sucked into
most any database program. They're titled:
To request that these files be sent to you, send e-mail to
[log in to unmask] (LISTSERV@UA1VM for BITNET) with the following
command on the first line of your e-mail:
Send another, similar message in order to get FILM91 DAT.
Please note: these requests go to the LISTSERV address, not to the
SCREEN-L address.
| Jeremy G. Butler JBUTLER@UA1VM |
| SCREEN-L Coordinator [log in to unmask] |
| [log in to unmask] |
| Telecommunication & Film Dept * The University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa |