Re: Reservoir Dogs/Pulp Fiction - Gaze
Mon, 24 Apr 1995 10:14:58 CDT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
On Thu, 20 Apr 1995, Ronald Tuch wrote:
> Some feminist critics have made the convincing argument that
> in traditional film narrative the spectator has been
> conditioned to view the narrative from a masculine perspective.
> Thus the male gaze has been regarded as the dominant author/ity
> while the woman has been generally relegated to the one being-
> looked-at. . .
A neat note Ronald. I've been looking at this construction recently
myself. Do you suppose that the absolute gender binarism of this
construction is accurate? That "gaze" is somehow the property of a
specific genetic/hormonal configuration? Have you seen any other
constructions of the phenomena that are so fixedly "genderist"?
I think that perhaps a more viable perspective might be gained by looking
at "Gaze" as an individual behavior rather than generalizing it to any
specific set or class of stereotypical "gazers"