info on schools around the world
Mon, 9 Jan 1995 13:49:13 CST
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I am interested in going for either a second undergraduate or graduate
degree in Film. I was wondering if anyone out there on the newsgroups
might have some information about different schools that might help me
make a decission as to which schools to apply to.
Any and all information is more then welcome.
What I am looking for is info on the school itself, the program, the
teachers, and personal opinions from the students.
As I don't read the newsgroups that often, please send all info directly
to me at:
[log in to unmask]
Thank you all in advance for your help...
|o| Josh Buck |o|
|o| [log in to unmask] |o|
|o| "Fear of failure is the Key to success" |o|
|o| - Israeli Bomb Squad |o|