Re: Femmes Fatale
Mon, 15 Nov 1999 11:55:40 -0500
...or the Linda Fiorentino of The Last Seduction?
Ed Owens
paul wiener wrote:
> Oh yes? And what about Sharon in "Casino?"
> At 11:11 AM 11/15/99 +0000, plath3 wrote:
> >In response to Louis Rayner's question concerning the differences between
> >90's femme fatales and those of the early noir period. let me suggest the
> >following differences:
> >
> >1. Early femme fatales were concerned with traditional greed. Bridget
> >O'Shaunessy of the MALTESE FALCON (1941) and the Lana Turner character in
> >THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE (1946) are examples. The Sharon Stone
> >character in BASIC INSTINCT is more concerned with mind games than with
> >money.
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