Re: QUERY: Films Dealing with Classism
Mon, 5 Dec 1994 17:43:35 -0600
Dear Chrys, In addition to "Salt of the Earth" (Mexican-American zinc
workers on strike, c. 1953) and Sayles' "Matewan" (1987), I'd suggest
(don't laugh) "Pretty Woman" (1990), at least if approached via Hilary
Radner's "Pretty Is as Pretty Does: Free Enterprise and the Marriage
Plot," an essay rpt in the AFI Film Reader,"Film Theory Goes to the Movies,"
ed. J. Collins, H. Radner, and A. Collins (Routledge, 1993). Better than
"Wall Street" etc., "Pretty Woman" gives a standard Hollywood plot, a
fairy tale to be precise, with several remarkable twists. As a popular
film & a representative work of popular culture, it is a rich text for
discussing class, gender, and money.