Call For Papers: Found Footage Horror Films
Thu, 2 Feb 2017 21:23:51 -0500
Dear colleagues,
Please see the below CFP on a new edited book on Found Footage horror films
from THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT to the modern day.
This collection will seek to survey a range of topics in humanities,
philosophy, film studies, and other subject with Found Footage Horror
movies at the center. McFarland Publishing is interested in publishing.
Please submit one page abstract (500-600 words).
In this abstract it is important that you 1) highlight your focus on found
footage and horror films, noting its impact on various fields of research,
culture, and technique 2) draw out your theoretical framework you plan to
apply, and 3) state possible contribution made in the chapter.
In addition to the abstract we ask you to submit a short bio. Expected
length of final chapter, 5000-6000 words.
Time plan 2017
March 1 – Deadline abstract
March 30-Notification of Accepted/Rejected Abstract
June 1st – Deadline chapter, first draft
August 15– Deadline chapter, second draft
September 20 – Deadline, final chapter
If you need any further information, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Jackson Cooper
Author: *Carnival of Souls*, Devil's Advocates, Auteur Press UK,
Forthcoming 2018
Jackson Cooper
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: