Re: Lost World News Broadcast
Wed, 28 May 1997 10:56:50 +0100
On Mon, 26 May 1997 19:33:53 -0400 Joe Lamantia <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> What other
> examples of news or journalistic personalities playing themselves as
> news providers do the members of Screen-L recall ?
Westbrook van Voorhis (allegedly, or, possibly Welles impersonating him) in
"Citizen Kane"... an essential difference being that the news medium he
represented (March of Time) was "business pure and simple", had overt political
affiliations and did not make any claims to impartiality. But, obviously, the
whole film is a metaphor for news providers playing themselves.
Or, a British example, E.V.H. Emmett (a celebrated newsreel commentator) in
"The Lion Has Wings" (1939) and "Passport to Pimlico" (1948).
Leo Enticknap
Univ. of Exeter, UK
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