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October 1998, Week 5


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gil woodley <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 27 Oct 1998 19:39:21 +1100
text/plain (51 lines)
I don't have the tape but there is the episode of homer as astronaut which
enacts  the blue danube sequence from 2001 beautifully. foxtel here in
australia runs 8 hours of simpsons (as it must over there) every week so
it's sure to turn up eventually. Unfortunately, I can't remember thename of
the episode - there is a simpsons book out which does give detailed run
synopses of each episode, however.
Best of luck
At 12:01 23/10/98 -0700, you wrote:
>This is being crosslisted to H-film and to Screen-L.
>For a Kubrick course I am doing next term I wanted to ask the following:
>1.  does anyone by any chance have a compendium tape of Kubrick allusions
>on *The Simpsons*?
>2.  does anyone by any chance have 2 of Kubrick's early documentaries--*The
>Flying Padre* and *Day of the Fight*?
>3.  does anyone by any chance have trailers for any of the Kubrick films?
>Of course, I would pay for all costs related to duping and sending tapes of
>this material.
>Thank you!!!
>--Dana Polan
>Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite
Gil Woodley
Department of English
University of Qld
3365 1414
"The trick is to get comfortable with productive paradox"
                                                Brian Massumi
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