Re: Copyright
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 11:31:46 -0500
Savoy went out of business years ago. I assume you are trying to get
permission for the film SHADOWLANDS. The film is currently out on HBO DVD
which means that someone there must know who owns it but good luck getting
them to tell you
Jessica Rosner
Kino International
333 W 39th St. 503
NY NY 10018
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> From: John Dougill <[log in to unmask]>
> Reply-To: Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 13:08:24 +0900
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Copyright
> Hallo there... I'm having a lot of trouble in trying to get copyright
> permission to reproduce film stills and would really appreciate some help.
> Looking up the film Shadowlands on the IMDb, I find the following....
> Production Companies
> * Price Entertainment
> * Shadowlands Productions
> * Spelling Films International
> Distributors
> * Savoy Pictures
> * Spelling Films International
> * Warner Espa?la, S.A. [es] (Spain)
> I thought perhaps that Price Entertainment would be the people to approach
> for copyright permission, but perhaps I'm wrong. Anyway, I've searched on
> Google and been unable to come up with an address for Price Entertainment.
> Any suggestions how best to proceed would be most welcome
> Thanks
> JD
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