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November 1994, Week 3


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Yang Gao <[log in to unmask]>
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Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 17 Nov 1994 19:31:14 CST
text/plain (43 lines)
    University of Tech-Sydney is seeking a senior professor with
    outstanding international standing as a scholar and/or media
    practitioner to provide professional and academic leadership for
    media production areas of the school at both the undergrad. and
    grad. levels, and in research and production by academic staff.
    The current School media production cover both professional and
    creative industries such as independent, commercial and corporate
    film, video, advertising, PR, radio, sound production and writing,
    THe person who is being sought would also be expected to be
    able to teach and research at least one of the study areas:
    Culture studies, Social political and Historical studies,
    Communication and cultural industries and Aboriginal studies.
    The two other Professor in the school hold Chairs in Sociology,and
    Cultural studies. The successful candidate will have an
    outstanding background in professional production work relevant to
    at least one of the professional areas, and have a graduate
    degree, good production/reseach/teaching background, a graduate
    level/academic leadership.
    This position is for a fixed term of 5 years.
    Saleary level: A$ 78,991 pa. Univ. also provide an attractive
    remuncration package.
    Deadline for application: Dec. 7,1994
    Send application to:
    The recruitment officer
    University of technology, sydney
    PO Box 123
    Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia
    For specific informationm:
    on     (612) 330 1087
    or fax (612) 330 1088