Re: Barton Fink
Wed, 6 Dec 1995 09:32:53 -0600
>I've just become a subscriber...this is my first: I have recently finished a
>longish article on Barton Fink called, "Tourists with Typewriters: Jew and
>Writer in Barton Fink." There's a phone # in the movie: Slausen 6-4304.
>Anybody out there know what "Slausen" might mean? Thanks, David Goldblatt/
>Department of Philosophy
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>I don't know if this will be of any use to you but...
On the old San Diego Freeway (now the 405) near the Marina del Rey
off-ramp was (is?) the Slauson (with an "o") cut-off.
I have no idea what/where Slauson is but for many years the "Slauson
Cut-off" was a big deal with Southern California comedians who always got a
big laugh at its mere mention.
I believe(d) that in Barton Fink it was a very subtle inside joke, but, in
reality, a fictitous telephone exchnge.
Interested in other comments.
Rolf Brandis
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