Documentary as body genre - CfP Visible Evidence 18, August 11-14, 2011, NYU
Thu, 25 Nov 2010 03:53:44 +0100
Apologies for cross-posting
Documentary as body genre
CfP Visible Evidence 18, August 11-14, 2011, NYU
How can documentary be approached as a ‘body genre’? How are elements of more conventional body genres (melodrama, porn, horror, performance art) integrated and employed in documentary works; and/or how do the latter invent and allow for alternative forms of addressing embodiment?
With a special interest in socially and academically marginalized bodies, this panel seeks to discuss various forms of embodiment on and off screen – as representation, event and/or address. Embodiment is here primarily though not exclusively viewed as a negotiation of a self. Possible topics may include but are not restricted to:
- Autobiography/autobiographical performances
- The in/visibility of particular bodies
- Phenomenology
- Political Mimesis
- Laboring bodies
- Sexuality
- Pathology and death
Please send a 250 words abstract, brief bibliography and bio until December 31, 2010 to [log in to unmask]
Feng-Mei Heberer
PhD candidate, Critical Studies, University of Southern California.
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