history in film
Sat, 18 May 91 16:19:08 CST
A book came in on our library approval plan that is a godsend for film
and tv people, just thought I would mention it in case a few of you
haven't discovered it yet. "Film, television, and video periodicals : a
comprehensive annotated list," by Katharine Loughney. Published by
Garland Publishing, 1991, in case you want to order a copy.
This comes up because I have been looking for a journal that would criticize
film from the historical point of view similar to the manner in which
Cineaste criticizes film from the sociopolitical point of view. What
I'm looking for is the accuracy of the portrayal of historical events in
feature films, not the history of film. I found a listing from the
above book for "Film and History" which I will look into. If anyone has
further suggestions on publications I would much appreciate it. In
addition I found in the annotated list some other very interesting
titles I wasn't aware of. What a find!
Kathryn Bading
Trinity University - Maddux Library
San Antonio, TX