THAW 96 -- A Festival of Film, Video and Digital Media
Sun, 17 Dec 1995 09:43:30 CST
Forwarded by Jeremy Butler. Contact [log in to unmask] for more
-------------------original message----------------------
THAW 96 -- A Festival of Film, Video and Digital Media
THAW 96 will be an alternative festival, to be held in April,
1996, which is intended to acknowledge creative and artistic
expressions of the motion image. THAW 96 is also encouraging
artists to submit works produced using digital media, as well, in
an effort to represent the entire spectrum of contemporary works.
There are no restrictions based upon content, and awards will be
given based solely upon the merits of the work submitted.
Personal visions by independent producers, especially those which
challenge conventional standards through experimentation in form
and content, are strongly encouraged.
University of Iowa
THAW 96 c/o Intermedia & Video Art
6 International Center
Iowa City IA 52242-1802
(319) 354-0430
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