Re: Oz Films
Thu, 21 May 1998 14:38:37 -0500
On Tue, 19 May 1998, Donald Larsson wrote:
> I came late to this post, so was surprised to see Scott Hutchins ask:
> > The filmography (at is cleaned
> > up (mostly) through 1987. Two of the films were made at Mankato State
> > University. Perhaps Donald Larsson could help with that?
> The two citations were:
> 1976
> The Wizard of Oz [play]
> BW, 115 min., filmed February 19.
> Mankato Fine Arts Community Theatre
> V: Mankato State University (videoreels)
> 1983
> Matilda Joslyn Gage [Research Discussion]
> BW, 30 min.
> Mankato State University
> W: Sally Roesch Wagner.
> S: John E. Dimeglio (Moderator), Sally Roesch Wagner (Matlida Electra Joslyn
> Gage), Michael
> Patrick Hearn (Authority on L. Frank Baum).
> V: Mankato State University
> The first is apparently a video record of a community play version of
> the film (before my time here). A search of the library database does
> not indicate that the tape is still there. It might have been removed
> by now.
> The second is in the library's video collection. Sally Wagner was a
> former member of the Women's Studies Department here whose specialty
> was on the life of Matilda Gage, who was--if memory serves--the
> mother-in-law of L. Frank Baum. The video is a tape of a presentation
> and conference on Gage. Sally used to give "living history"
> presentations dressed as Gage.
> I doubt if the film footage is at all relevant or even extant, but when
> the Theater Dept. did a stage version of the Wizard several years ago,
> they used a projected film image of a tornado in the opening scene.
I would really appreciate it if you could find out for me (for certain).
I know of several libraries (according to WorldCat) that own the
videoreels, but I can't get them through interlibray loan, and what the
heck is a videoreel, anyway?
> Don Larsson
> ----------------------
> Donald Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)
> [log in to unmask]
> ----
> Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
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