Re: trying to locate; Ousmane Sembene's "Faat Kine" and Adama Drabo's TAAFE FANGA (Skirt Power, 1997)
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 17:37:06 -0500
> From: "Kathleen J. Wininger" <[log in to unmask]>
> Reply-To: Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
> Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 15:34:56 -0500
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: trying to locate; Ousmane Sembene's "Faat Kine" and Adama Drabo's
> TAAFE FANGA (Skirt Power, 1997)
> Hello!
> Our Media department has been unable to locate distributors for either
> Ousmane Sembene's "Faat Kine" and Adama Drabo's TAAFE FANGA (Skirt
> Power, 1997). Does anyone know of US distributors?
> Also does anyone know of a general rental-by-mail company which specializes
> in African or at least foreign and independent movies? There's slim
> pickins now that I'm in Maine.
> Thanks,
> Kathleen J. Wininger, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor
> Department of Philosophy
FAAT KINE is available on Video from California Newsreel
415-621-6196. You can rent the film in 16mm or 35mm from
New Yorker 212-247-6110
Now can I put in a shameless plug?
Kino is just about to release 3 films by Souleymane Cisse, one of the great
African directors. We will be releasing 3 of his most famous feature films
on video in mid- February ,YEELEN, BAARA & FINYE . They are NOT in our
catalogue but I will be doing a special mailing next month including
the SCS membership list. These are institutional sale only titles
so they are $250 each or $600 for all three. Before anyone compains, it took
me TWO years of cajoling to get this done and it is NOT cheap to get good
new masters of these films which would not exactly fly off the shelves at
your local blockbuster( hence the understandable disinterest from the Kino
Video dept)
For those of you who might actually still be interest in actual film prints
we have a beautiful new 35mm copy of YEELEN which finishes tonight in
Chicago and will also be showing soon in Santa Fe and Hanover NH
Jessica Rosner
Kino International
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