CFP: Middle Eastern Film and Media
Fri, 29 Jun 2007 10:59:26 -0400
Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS)
March 6-9, 2008
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
The SCMS Middle Eastern Caucus is sponsoring the following call for papers.
Please send 150-200-word proposal and brief bio statement by August 15th, 2007.
Proposals are sought for a panel on contemporary issues in Middle Eastern
film and media with particular emphasis on Egyptian, Lebanese, Syrian,
Jordanian, Palestinian/Israeli, North African, Turkish, Iranian, Kurdish,
and Central Asian cinemas. In keeping with this year's conference theme,
"Architectures of the Moving Image," possible topics might include, BUT ARE
NOT LIMITED TO, the following:
· design and production of cinematic spaces
· moving image, lived space and the audience
· mise-en-scene and realism from formal and generic perspectives
· celluloid versus digital video as cinema
· preservation of the moving image
· displacement and the architecture of lived space
· architecture, archaeology and history in Middle Eastern cinema
· existential spaces, experiential spaces, political spaces
· auteurs and the collective making of cinematic space
· images of architecture in Middle Eastern cinema
· architectures of emotion
· diasporic cinemas
· television and media representations
· gendered spaces
· exchanges and connections between non-western cinematic industries
Send proposals to:
Terri Ginsberg, Ph.D. and Gayatri Devi, Ph.D
Co-chairs, SCMS Middle Eastern Caucus
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