Re: Vietnam Footage
Mon, 24 Apr 1995 10:13:48 CDT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The event you are referring to is the shooting of a Viet Cong cadre by Col.
(later general) Nguyen Ngoc Loan, chief of the South Vietnamese national
police, in the heat of the January 1968 Tet Offensive. The scene was
captured in still photographs (now owned by World Wide Phot) by Eddie Adams,
who won a Pulitzer Prize, and by an NBC camera crew. The original film did
not have sound. The "shot" was added. Many standard documentaries of the
Vietnam War, such as the PBS "Vietnam: A Television History," have clips.
Accuracy In Media organization, in its criticism of the PBS series, narrated
by Charlton Heston, includes an examination of this episode and how it was
portrayed. Dr. Peter Rollins, Oklahoma State University, in his video
critique of the media's portrayal of the war, includes a lengthy examination
of the incident. His video contains the most extensive versions (outside of
the original NBC footage, which I have never seen. His critique is
entitled: "TV's Vietnam: The Impact of Visual Images." The point of impact
has been edited out or blacked out in every version I have watched.
So, you might try NBC. Or the PBS series -- in many university video
collections -- I believe it will be in Episode Seven entitled: "Tet: 1968."
Or contact Dr. Peter Rollins, Regents Professor of English, Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK, 74078.
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Help! This is a little out of my league! I need to find some video shot
>in Vietnam in the early 70's (I think). A South Vietnamese soldier was
>"escorting" a VC and decided to shoot him in the head, all of which was
>recorded on tape. The tape (and still from it) were shown around the
>world, but I don't have a clue as to how to locate it.
>S. Cootes
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John W. Williams, JD
Political Science
Principia College
Elsah, IL 62028
tel. 618-374-5230
fax 618-374-5122
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