Documentary and TV Resouces
Wed, 24 Sep 1997 11:28:55 -0700
Following up on Chris Berry's post about Documentary and TV Resources:
Michael Renov's book on theorizing the documentary is called "Theorizing
Documentary" (Routledge 1993). I would also suggest Michael Curtin's
excellent "Redeeming the Wasteland: Television Documentary and Cold War
Politics" (Rutgers 1995) as well as the parts of Bill Nichols' "Blurred
Boundaries" (Indiana 1994) dealing with Rodney King, reality TV and
documentary performance.
-Steve Anderson
>On books on doco, I also recommend some of the articles in
>"Resolutions: Contemporary Video Practices" eds. Michael Renov & Erika
>Suderberg (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996), and also
>Renov's book on theorizing the documentary, which I don't have with me
>here in Seoul and so cannot give the title of. Maybe someone else can
>Chris Berry
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