Sneak preview--Sub-titling URL
Tue, 19 Dec 1995 20:09:37 -0400
Some of you may recall that about a year ago, I solicited opinions and
preferences about subtitling vs. dubbing of 'foreign'-language films, with
a view towards developing a better approach to sub-titling.
I have posted an analysis of and proposed solution to the problem of poor
quality sub-titling, at the following address:
(it should be compatible with all browsers that support the use of inlined
jpeg graphics. You'll need a monitor capable of displaying 'thousands' of
colors at least, I made extensive use of 'captures' from a number of video
releases to illustrate various points).
Although the site and, to a lesser degree, its content are still 'under
construction', I am most interested in your opinions on my proposed
approach to improving sub-titles, as well as on the presentation and
functionality of the site (responses to the latter may be posted directly
to me rather than this list). Thank you.
David Smith
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