Re: Hipbrow
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 02:11:03 -0600
On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, HR Greenberg wrote:
> enjoyed your post, altho I disagree somewhat about Scorsese's talents.
> Totally concur about the vile Tarentino.
I secound the motion. Jane Hamsher the producer of NATURAL BORN KILLERS
seems to share some of the same sentiment regarding the vile Tarentino
and this is expressed in her wonderfully scathing look at the
making of NBK --KILLER INSTICT availabe thorough Broadway books.
Tarantion comes off especially bad, this actually lead to the recent
brawl Q.T. was involved with with Hamsher's producing partner.
I hope to address HIPBROW within the next week. Thanks for bringing
some much needed fire back into the group.>
Christian Doellner [log in to unmask]
... dirty poets scratching and clawing,
confused and strong and protective of their
soft insides. JOHNETTE NAPOLITANO on X
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