silent boxing films
Thu, 2 Oct 2003 10:10:34 -0400
Hello all -
I'm putting together two film projects on bare-knuckle boxing in the
Regency and am wondering if anyone knows where I might be able to
track down a couple of old british silents. I've hit a couple of
dead ends and thought I'd call for the life preserver!
1. When Giants Fought (UK, BE Doxat-Pratt, 1926)
2. The House of Temperley (UK, Harold Shaw - based on the ACDoyle
story "Rodney Stone," 1913)
Deron Albright
Assistant Professor of Film and Video
Department of Fine and Performing Arts
Saint Joseph's University
5600 City Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19131-1395
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the
University of Alabama: