KEY WEST IndieFest 2004 - DISCOUNTS to Screen-L Members!
Mon, 29 Sep 2003 15:11:57 -0600
Dear Independent Filmmakers and Screenwriters,
If you mention "Screen-L" - you will receive a $5.00 *discount* on
your entry fee!
As well - if you pay your entry fee with a credit card - you
*automatically* get another $5.00 discount!
That's $10.00 worth of *discounts* - to make it more affordable for
you to enter our *wonderful* event - by the sea...
click on "Year 2004 Entry Forms" - and you are on your way!
We look forward to receiving and previewing you entries - and hope
this message finds you well!
Film and Write On,
Michael Carr
Director: Telluride and Key West IndieFests
Showcasing the best *independent* films and screenplays in the world-
high in the mountains, and by the sea!
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite