Forwarded Message: Another film listserv
Wed, 26 Apr 1995 13:38:11 CDT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
In article: Another film listserv, "D. Allen Simpson, M writes:
Yes, folks, believe it or not, there are lots of email listservs
dedicated to film and /or video. While surfing through listserv lists
the other day, I came across a new site/listserv I wasn't aware of,
so I thought I would forward the info to other interested parties.
Doug Simpson
>Date: Tue, 25 Apr 1995 01:24:13 GMT
>From: [log in to unmask]
>>>>> info taos-film
>This mailing list has been created by Taos Talking Pictures with the
>purpose of providing a forum for the discussion of films and filmmaking.
>This is the place to talk about anything relating to film or video. It
>can be as simple as posting a message saying you hated the movie you just
>saw or you can post a full-scale review (be prepared for feedback). We
>would also like to encourage a dialogue on the art of filmmaking, which
>can include such topics as "how did they do that?" questions on technique
>and technology, used film/video equipment for sale, etc.
I haven't joined the list myself, but I guess it shouldn't be hard
to do so. My guess is to simply send an email to the majordomo address
listed above, with NO subj. line, and in the text: subscribe taos-film
yourname [or something similar].
Doug Simpson