The ERaM Programme
Mon, 4 Nov 1996 14:42:53 GMT
This message is sent out every six months. Apologies for cross-posting.
The ERaM (Ethnicity, Racism and the Media) Programme
The role of the mass media in generating and disseminating
representations of ethnicity, and in constructing popular and
elite conceptions of ethnic relations becomes ever more significant.
- How can we liberate the positive potential of the mass media
in multi-ethnic societies?
- How can we represent a non-ethnocentric world to both homogenous
and diverse communities?
- How can academics, media professionals and other concerned individuals =
communicate and co-ordinate their research in an increasingly disparate =
yet interdependent world?
The ERaM Programme, located at the University of Bradford (UK)
Department of Social and Economic Studies, utilises the new information =
technology of Email and the World Wide Web to provide a global forum and =
focus for discussion, information dissemination and research collaboratio=
on issues of racism, ethnicity and the media.
These issues include:
- The representation of ethnicity in the media.
- The recruitment and employment of ethnic minority persons in the media.
- The role of media owned by and/or aimed at ethnic minorities.
The ERaM Programme is currently able to provide users with
- The =91ERaM-LIST=92 email mailing list.
- The =91ERaM-RESEARCH-LIST=92 email mailing list.
- The ERaM World Wide Web pages.
Subscribers can also access specialised ERaM Bibliographies of recent wor=
in the field and full archives of information posted to the list.
To subscribe to the eram-list, send a message to: [log in to unmask]
Containing ONLY the text: subscribe eram-list
A welcome message containing full details of the ERaM Programme will
automatically be returned to you.Alternatively, further information about=
the eram-list and other aspects of the ERaM Programme may be found on =
the WWW at URL:
Dr Apurba Kundu
The ERaM Programme
Department of Social and Economic Studies
University of Bradford
Bradford BD7 1DP
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)1274-38-5046
Fax: +44-(0)1274-38-5295
Email: [log in to unmask]
ERaM Programme WWWpage
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