Re: Learning to Kiss from Movies/search
Tue, 25 Apr 1995 12:20:28 CDT
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> To our SCREEN-L colleagues:
> We hope for your help in locating an amusing short essay, which was
>published in the past 2 - 3.5 years in a commercial movie magazine, such as
>(US) Movieline or Premiere, or perhaps in a general commercial periodical
>such as (NY USA) The Village Voice, or GQ, or Esquire --
> The topic of the essay was (paraphrased as) "How much of what you
>know about kissing was learned from watching movies, vs. how much from the
>real-life experience of your 'teens and '20's?"
I'm almost certain you're referring to a story written by Martha Frankel in
a 1991 "Movieline," but I haven't got a copy handy, so you'll have to seek
it out. I recall that she worked from the theory that the way boys kissed
was the way they did...other things...and she then went on to rate the
kissing abilities of some key male actors.
good luck
Shawn Levy | "In a far recess of summer
[log in to unmask] | Monks are playing soccer."