Re: World Wide Web Site
Sun, 13 Nov 1994 17:21:48 CST
Since SCREEN-L is cautiously making its way onto the World Wide Web,
I thought I'd post a little further info on it--especially since
I'd had a request for it from Scott Henderson.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
On Sun, 13 Nov 1994 13:45:52 +0001 (EST) you said:
> You'll have to pardon my lack of computing knowledge, but I don't
>know how one gets on to the World Wide Web. Is there a way of getting to
>it via Gopher? I have decided to ask you directly rather than responding
>to the list but if I'm not the only one who is less than proficient in
>understanding the internet, than you may wish to add some more detailed
>instructions/hints on the list.
> Scott Henderson
What you oughta do, Scott, is ask your computer jockeys at BrockU about
a World Wide Web *client*. The way WWW works (much like Gopher) is
that you run client software on your computer and use it to connect
to a WWW *server* computer. This server then sends info to you in a
format the client can use.
Some of the common clients are Lynx, Mosaic, and Cello.
There are other ways to connect to the World Wide Web by using Telnet
or even Gopher (at some sites) to connect to a remote *client* and then
run that client as if it were your own. You sort of piggyback onto
that distant client.
This is less than ideal,and limits what you can do on the WWW. I don't
have info on this type of connection at my fingertips, but when you're
Gophering around you should look for things like "World Wide Web Access"
and try experimenting with them.
Or, if you know how to use Telnet, telnet to and
login as www.
Good luck!
America is the greatest of opportunities and the
worst of influences.
--George Santayana--
| Jeremy Butler - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [log in to unmask] |
| SCREEN-L Coordinator |
| Telecommunication & Film Dept * The University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa |