Thu, 30 Jul 1992 21:35:16 EDT
Folks, please consider this a vote for having Bill Oppel's *Previews*
on SCREEN-L. Here's a copy of the msg I just sent him:
> Bill, as a subscriber to SCREEN-L, I just read your first issue
> of Previews and I want to congratulate you. It's terrific:
> meaty, informative, clear, interesting. Thank you.
> I don't know if the SCREEN-L group will want to see it
> regularly, but I do. If the SCREEN-L consensus is 'no,' how
> might I subscribe? I'd rather not do it through CINEMA-L since
> that list is not as close to my taste and needs as SCREEN-L and
> it *is* voluminous.
> Any ideas?
> And, again, thanks for a terrific job.
> Eric
Eric Rabkin [log in to unmask]
Department of English [log in to unmask]
University of Michigan office: 313-764-2553
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1045 dept : 313-764-6330