Quo Vadis La Strada--Dubbed or Subtitled?
Tue, 19 Jan 1999 14:02:16 -0500
In showing my classes "foreign film" videos I always choose subtitled
versions. However, I need some advice concerning Fellini's La Strada. As
I understand it, the film was made with a cast speaking both Italian and
English, e.g. Masina--Italian, Basehart--English. What about Quinn? Is he
speaking English or Italian. The problem I face is that if Quinn is
speaking English and the Italian version of the film is dubbing the
Italian, and further, since Masina speaks very little throughout the film
(her great performance being essentially mime), then the majority of the
dialogue is in English, and it would make sense to use the dubbed-in
English version rather than the subtitled one.
I would appreciate any help in this matter. Thanks in advance.
Ron Hoffman
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