Re: Kieslowski
Thu, 26 Sep 1996 09:11:35 -0400
Since a number of people have responded with posts on "Veronique" and
Kieslowski, and there are posters in both Canada and Europe, can anyone
provide information with regard to K's "Decalogue" and the two related
films, "A Short Film about Love" and "A Short Film About Killing"?
In particular: (A) Is the "Decalogue" and/or the "Short films" available
ANYWHERE on video tape or laser disk. I have seen no notices for these,
not even from Japan, but may have missed something. Are they available in
some form in Canada, for example (which has a distributor for the
(B) Can anyone advise about how to get a film print of the "Decalogue" to
show in the US, and why it is so difficult. There have been relatively
recent showings in Boston and then in NYC that I know of, but these seemed
difficult for the producers to arrange.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Jesse Kalin
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