Studies in French Cinema News (November 2012/2)
Fri, 16 Nov 2012 10:03:18 +0000
Studies in French Cinema News (November 2012)/2
1. Studies in French Cinema vol 12 no 3
2. Conference: Paris in the Cinema (December 2012)
3. Translator required (Intellect Press)
1. Studies in French Cinema vol 12 no 3
This special number on women directors of the last decade has now been published. It contains:
CARRIE TARR, Editorial: Women’s Filmmaking in France 2000-2010
TIM PALMER, Crashing the Millionaires’ Club: Popular Women’s Cinema in Twenty-first Century France
SARAH LEAHY, ‘A la place de l’autre…’: Otherness, Gender and Nation in Two Films by Agnès Jaoui
MARY HARROD, The Réalisatrice and the Rom-Com in the 2000s
ISABELLE VANDERSCHELDEN, Réalisa(c)trices Screening the Self: Valeria Bruni Tedeschi and Maïwenn
MARTINE BEUGNET, Encoding Loss: Corporeality and (Im)materiality in the Age of the Digital
EMMA WILSON, Precarious Lives: On girls in Mia Hansen-Løve and Others
CARRIE TARR, Filmography: Women’s Filmmaking in France 2000-2010
2. Conference: Paris in the Cinema (December 2012)
6-7 December 2012
INHA, Galerie Colbert, 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 - Paris
Entrance free
Organised by Irène Bessière, Laurent Creton, Alastair Phillips, Ginette Vincendeau
Speakers: Hélène Jannière (Ecole d'Architecture, Paris la Villette); Marie Gaimard & Marguerite Vappereau (Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne); Jean-Yves de Lépinay (Forum des images); Keith Reader (ULIP); Audrey Blanco-Rodrigues (ENS); Hilary Radner (Ottago University); Jean-Loup Bourget (ENS); Charlotte Brunsdon (Warwick); Raphaëlle Moine (Paris 3, Sorbonne Nouvelle); Ginette Vincendeau (KCL); Kristian Feigelson (Paris 3); Colin Jones (QMU); Roger Odin (Paris 3); Alastair Phillips (Warwick); Michel Marie (Paris 3).
Further details:
3. Translator required (Intellect Press)
Intellect Press are seeking a translator for an article in French on digital publishing to appear in their journal Book 2.0
The author will pay for the translation. If you are interested please contact the journal manager Sarah Cunningham ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>)
Phil Powrie
Professor of Cinema Studies
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences
The Elizabeth Fry Building
University of Surrey
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Faculty Administrative Officer and PA to the Dean: Linda Ellis < [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> >/+44 (0)1483689445
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