help <fwd>: request for help on Soviet cinema
Fri, 26 Sep 1997 10:31:06 -0500
A correspondent from Australia on another list sent this plea. You can
respond to her at the address she lists, or just send it to me and I'll
forward it.
Thanks in advance for any information.
Don Larsson
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I am in the throes of thrashing out the possibilities of my Film honours
thesis next year. I am very keen on doing something on soviet cinema of
the 1960's - the 'shelved masterpieces' ie Asklodov, Muratova, German.
The difficulty is that since these films where censored at the time, and
only rediscovered and released twenty -odd years later (in the last
decade) there is virtually nothing I can find in terms of secondary,
critical material - without which the project is doomed.
I have it on excellent authority that little of help exists at all in
english or russian (or anything else for that matter), but i thought i'd
pitch it about anyways.
pawbutterings, amanda
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Donald Larsson, Mankato State U (MN)
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