Univ. of Texas at Austin position
Wed, 8 Jan 1997 10:10:28 CST
Position Available: Visiting Lecturer, Radio-Television-Film Department,
University of Texas at Austin
The Radio-Television-Film Department seeks applicants for a visiting
lecturer during the academic year 1997-98. Applicants must have a
scholarly record in the history, theory and/or criticism of film and/or
television. Expertise in issues of race and ethnicity, and/or gender and
sexuality would be welcome. Successful applicants should possess
demonstrated teaching skills with both undergraduate and graduate programs.
Twenty-three permanent faculty work in the department, with approximately
1,000 undergraduate majors and 150 graduate students pursuing the MA, MFA,
or Ph.D.
Please send a resume with names and phone numbers of references to: Dr.
John Downing, Chair, Department of Radio-Television-Film, The University of
Texas at Austin, CMA 6.118, Austin, TX 78712. (e-mail:
[log in to unmask]) We will begin to review applications immediately
and continue until May 1, 1997. The University of Texas at Austin is an
affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.
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