Re: your mail
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 14:33:08 -0500
I think an excellent example of a child's private space can be seen in the
sexual exploration that occurs in "My Life As A Dog"--a Danish (I believe)
movie--and is also about children's private/emotional lives.
Debbie Hall
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At 10:37 AM 1/28/98 -0500, you wrote:
>I truly believe Jarsmusch's STRANGER THAN PARADISE could work for you.
>Say...can you put the exhibit on the Web? I'd love to see it.
>On Tue, 27 Jan 1998, Lynda Bogel wrote:
>> Below is the description of an upcoming art exhibition at Cornell
>> University. The curators would like to show several films whose themes
>> dovetai, in conjunction with this exhibition,. As a faculty advisor, I'd
>> appreciate your suggestions. The curators' first thoughts: "Rear Window"
>> and "Rape" (Lennon/Ono).
>> Thank you, Lynda Bogel
>> "Private: Exploring Personal Space"
>> March 14 - June 7, 1998
>> What goes on behind the closed doors of another gender, another class,
>> another age group? Private space is theoretically controlled by
>> individuals, but is in fact constructed by society. Therefore, it
>> remains a concept that changes not only from person to person, but also
>> over time. Artists, in choosing such subjects, provide glimpses --
>> secretive or open -- into these private spheres, and in doing so present
>> their own interpretations of the roles and functions of personal space.
>> This exhibition, curated by a group of Cornell's art history majors,
>> presents prints and photographs by a wide range of artists, including
>> Maerten van Heemskerck, Jean-Jacques Tissot, Robert Frank, and many others.
>> ----
>> Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite
>Irene C. Upshur, Director
>Instructional Media Center
>Marymount University
>2807 N. Glebe Rd.
>Arlington, Virginia 22207
>Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite
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