In Media Res: James Bond Week (November 9-13)
Mon, 9 Nov 2015 07:17:05 +0000
This week's In Media Res theme focus is James Bond, with a new post each day from November 9-13.
Here's the line-up: .
Monday, Nov. 9 - Charlotte Howell (University of Texas) presents: "Spectre of Death: Mourning and Daniel Craig's Bond"
Tuesday, Nov. 10 - Landon Palmer (Indiana University) presents: "Some Things That Just Aren't Done: James Bond vs. the Beatles"
Wednesday, Nov. 11 - Lisa Funnell (University of Oklahoma) presents: "The Women of James Bond: Examining Severine in Skyfall (2012)"
Thursday, Nov. 12 - Jacqueline Ristola (York University) presents: "Racist Cultural Appropriation in Live and Let Die"
Friday, Nov. 13 - Chris Minz (Georgia State University) presents: "Diamonds are Not Forever: Visual and Narrative Excess and Deprivation in James Bond"
Theme week organized by Laurel Ahnert (Georgia State University).
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