Running on the Hitchcock Scholars/'MacGuffin' website
Thu, 8 Nov 2001 04:36:58 +1100
I'd be failing in my duty if I didn't tell SCREEN-L readers that
arguably two of the very best writers on Hitchcock are lined up to
contribute to the "Editor's Day" column on the above website in the next
few weeks: well, actually, Richard Allen, former Chair of Cinema Studies
at NYU, and the co-editor of 'Alfred Hitchcock: Centenary Essays', is
already finishing up his second week as 'guest-editor'. He is using the
"Editor's Day" column to indicate succinctly some of the leading ideas
in his forthcoming book on Hitchcock. Another contributor soon will be
Bill Krohn, Hollywood correspondent for 'Cahiers du Cinema' and the
author of the award-winning 'Hitchcock au travail'/'Hitchcock at Work'.
Contributors so far have included Stephen Rebello ('Alfred Hitchcock
and the Making of PSYCHO'), Gary Giblin ('Hitchcock's London' -
forthcoming), and Prof. Thomas Leitch ('Spot the Director and Other
Hitchcock Games'). Others still to come include Martin Grams Jr ('The
Alfred Hitchcock Presents Companion'), Dan Auiler ('VERTIGO: The Making
of a Hitchcock Classic'), Prof. Dennis Perry (preparing a book on
Hitchcock and Poe), Robert Schoen ('Hitch and Alma'), and Adrian Martin
(renowned international film critic from Australia, whose book on
Terrence Mallick for the BFI is nearly finished).
- Ken Mogg (Ed., 'The MacGuffin').
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